When I got here I found out that our apartment has a gym! I am super happy for that, we have been lifting weights every morning. The area that I am in right now is the only walking area in the mission, I thought that I was going to be safe from getting sent here but just like everything, when you think that you are good you really aren't.
I had a pretty cool experience yesterday. Since MLC (Mission Leadership Council) is on Wednesday we had our district meeting on Monday. And Sunday night I ate something that I think didn't agree with me very well, because that night my stomach started to hurt but it wasn't bad enough for me to think much of it and when morning came I had some pretty bad cramps, like so bad that I couldn't stand up straight or really do anything except just lay there, it was so weird. I really thought that I was going to die, and I knew for sure that I wasn't going to be able to make it to district meeting. But I somehow managed to get ready anyways after praying and asking Heavenly Father to help me. We got a ride from some of the other elders, and it was kinda funny because the pain didn't leave until I stepped out of the car when we got to the church, and when I stepped out of the car the pain was completely gone. It sure stinks to have to go through some of the things we do, but I know that we are being watched over, and all that we have to do is ask for help and we will be helped no matter what we go through.
Well I love you all and hope that you have a great week!
Love, E. Allred