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Cookies the Sisters Made |
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Chocolate Loonies and Toonies! |
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Norm's Famous Cream Sodas |
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The baptismal font. It got backed up with sewer the other day good thing they got it cleaned up for Shannon and Kyra's baptism on Saturday. |
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The Sidewalk We Cleared |
On Wednesday we got up, I was super tired and so was Elder Kretschmann. But we got up and got ready for the day. It was Shauna Parker's birthday today and she wanted us to make her some cookies because the Elders last year had made her some. So we got Sister Fonda and Sister Miners to make us some cookies because of our lack of confidence in baking. We picked up the cookies from them in the morning and dropped them off at Shauna's later that night. When the sisters gave us the cookies they also gave us a card to write on, which was pretty cool because we were able to write her a nice note. We also got to meet her non-member boy friend he was a nice guy. Norm who actually isn't a member that we spend a bit of time with is going in for eye puncturing treatment on Thursday and he wanted a blessing, while we were over there he made us his famous cream sodas. We also helped him prune his Apple tree in the back. Other than that we had dinner with the lady who owns our place, she was pretty cool as well but other then that we just made a bunch of contacts.
On Thursday we had to call for board updates, after that we had weekly planning. One of the great things that we got to plan for was Shannon and Kyra's baptism! We had dinner with Brother Stubbs that night and planned for it. After dinner we had a lesson with Shannon and Kyra on family history with Brother Halladay, who is the family history consultant. Shannon really enjoyed it and they are both excited to find names for when they go to the temple on the 14th of April. That night we asked them who they wanted to baptize them. Shannon is going to have the bishop baptize her and have Brother Stubbs do the confirmation. Kyra has asked me to baptize her and then have Elder Kretschmann do the confirmation for her. We are getting really excited for them, it's been neat to see them progress.
We had zone conference on Friday and it took place in Taber so we had to drive 124 kilometers which was about and hour and a half to zone conference. It started at 9am and got done at 4pm. I really liked it, it's just rough having to sit there for soo long. But after that we drove home and had dinner. We then made some stop bys and tracked. That night we went on exchanges. I stayed in my area and Elder Wolfe came with me.
Saturday was a pretty eventful day. We stopped by Pearl and Norm's house again, it had snowed and it was really warm so the snow was pretty wet and heavy. We shoveled their driveway and then went in and talked to them. Norm made us his famous cream sodas again. Pearl made us her fa famous onion soup. After that we had a very good and spiritual lesson with them. After visiting them we borrowed their snow shovels and helped their neighbor out with her sidewalk.
After that we did some district finding and found 3 potentials who we have return appointments with that will actually be on Wednesday so that will be fun. We helped a guy move, we had a lesson with Shannon and Kyra, got some A1 pizza for dinner and then went to the father and son activity which was a nerf gun war.
Sunday was pretty normal, we had church, our dinner appointment got changed to a lunch appointment. We had enchiladas! They were soo good I miss eating mexican food.. it is so scarce up here. After that we had our studies and had another lesson with Shannon and Kyra. We then did some stop bys.
We did a lot of driving on Monday. At 9 we went and chopped cucumbers for the schools around town. After that we headed home and got changed and headed to Brooks for district meeting. By the time we got home it was 4. we did a little study, went to dinner, and then got into one of our potential investigator's house. His name is Jerry. He is an old guy that used to be a captain of a ship. He has diabetes and has only one leg but he is a cool guy. We talked a little about the Book of Mormon with him. We got his number and he said to call him back and we'll set something up.
Well this is some of the highlights from this week. I hope that you all are doing well, keep up the good work!
Love, Elder Allred