This week has been awesome!
I forgot to bring my planner to the computers so I will just have to try and remember some of the highlights of this week.
So last p-day we were playing soccer and Elder Whicker rolled his ankle, it wasn't super bad but just bad enough that he has been on crutches for a week now. He is just starting to walk a bit on it so we are hoping that in the next couple of days he will be walking. It has been hard to get out and do things because of it, but we have made things work out good for the most part. He was pretty bumbed when it happened because in about 5-6 weeks he is going to have soccer tryouts at UVU. When he rolled it he thought that it was over, but we found out that it wasn't as bad as what we were thinking it was, so he should be good by then. So pretty much Tuesday night and a big part of Wednesday we were in and out of doctor appointments with his knee that he has been having trouble with and now his ankle.
On Thursday I got to meet one of the investigators that we have in Medicine Hat, she has also been being taught for quite a while with the missionaries. She is pretty solid. We just so happened to have our dinner cancel on us and Shannon said that if you ever have a dinner cancel you call me. So we called her and went to have dinner. Before we started eating she said, "I will say grace." (I didn't know this at the time but she had only said a prayer once with the missionaries before). After the prayer she told us the good news about her granddaughter. Elder Whicker and his companion before me got her to pray for a baptismal date and her answer was May something, I can't remember for sure but that was the day that her granddaughter has her birthday. She filled me in on a lot while talking to her. She hasn't been able to talk to her granddaughter for 2 years until now. Her daughter got hooked up with a crazy guy that shut off all of her communication. Shannon's daughter and crazy boyfriend have just lost custody over Shannon's daughter's daughter for making her sleep out in a tent and a lot of crazy stuff. So Shannon is going to be getting her granddaughter on Sunday which has been a miracle. Shannon said, "I don't know why I got the baptismal date that I got but maybe it was because Kira (her granddaughter) and I are going to be baptized on the same day." Kira is 11 or 12 I can't remember for sure, but that has been pretty cool. I told her that I had a sister named Kira and she thought that was so cool she said that she will have to tell her granddaughter about that, she will be so excited.
We helped out at the food bank on Friday and did a bit of Weekly planning and then headed out to a town called Bow Island that is on the one end of our area. Since it is so far away and we don't have that many kilometers we stay at a member's house. This week we stayed at the Woodruffs, who is actually a brother to Wilford Woodruff in the Rocky View Ward so that was pretty neat. The work out In Bow Island is pretty slow as well, we have a couple that has been taught for quite a while but other then that no investigators in that part of the area. So we either tract out there or have member visits. That night we had an amazing dinner at Brother Smith's, he made us pancakes and bacon. It's not very often that we get a breakfast dinner but when we do they are always good. We stayed in Bow Island till Sunday, the ward there is so small. I am surprised that they call it a ward. I feel like it is a branch. The building is set up pretty strange. They have a carpet gym that is maybe as big as the one that we have back home. On one side of the gym there is a basketball hoop, and at the other side there is the pulpit and the stand and everything. Elder Whicker had to speak with a guy that just got home from his mission. After Church we headed back to Medicine Hat to help Shannon move a couple of things in one of her rooms to get it ready for Kira. Shannon doesn't have a lot and it is pretty cool to see the ward helping her out with pretty much whatever she needs.
Well that's pretty much the Highlights of this week.
I can't believe that it is already Christmas next week, it doesn't even feel like Christmas at all to me. There isn't any snow on the ground up here and it hasn't been that cold. It has been sitting around -5 degrees at night and 7 degrees during the day, its crazy. I am super excited to be able to talk to you all though, it will be fun.
Well I sure do love you all! Have a great week!
Love, Elder Allred