This Blog is a summary of the emails and letters sent by Elder Trevor Allred about his mission.

September 19, 2017

This week has been pretty good. Lots of little miracles.

On Wednesday we had ESL which is always pretty fun. Elder Dolinars companion hit his 2 years and went home, so Dolinar was with us for a night. He is the District Leader so it worked out perfect. We got Danica interviewed and she passed for baptism. We also got to have Work Burgers. Brother Work makes the best burgers. Every Wednesday he makes them for us, he goes to Costco and picks up some fresh meat and then we BBQ it. I look forward to that every week. 

Thursday was a pretty average day nothing too crazy happened, lots of weekly planning. But on Friday we had a lot of good things happen. To start it off we had Garden service with Bob and John except Bob wasn't there because his brother died so he was up in Edmonton at a funeral so it was just John telling us what to do. This time we were spreading bark chips on a path through the garden. It was really cool, we got to see the new missionaries who came out a week ago who came into our zone. They seem pretty cool. We were working and talking to John and John said, "I sure do like being with you guys." I said, "Yeah its really fun working out here in the garden with you, we should totally go get some frostys together sometime at Wendys." He then said, "That would be really fun, in fact I will take you to the best shake place in Calgary!" So we set up a time that night to go out for shakes at Peters. 

After we worked at the gardens we made some stop-bys and then had dinner at the Redekop's home. They invited a couple that is their next door neighbors, they were maybe in their 70's. The husband was from Australia and his wife was from Canada. We talked a lot about Australia and how my Dad went on a mission like us to Australia when he was my age. After we had dinner his wife pulled out an Australian dessert called Pavlova, boy it was good. They claimed that it didn't have any calories in it. But there was lots of whipping cream on top so it had to have had some calories in it. 

After dinner we called John and he came and picked us up at our apartment and we headed to Peters. He paid for the shakes, we told him that we would but he insisted that he pay. The shakes were really good and it was kinda funny because it was just a bit out of our zone.. We were almost to down town Calgary. It was good though, we talked quite a bit about his work and just random stuff. We got to our apartment and before we left I asked him I said, "John, you have had a lot of questions about us and the church and what we do as missionaries is answer those questions that you have and teach you about our church." I said, "That doesn't mean that you have to come to church or you have to get baptized but is that something that you would like to do? And kinda paused for a second and he said,  "Yes I would like that." So we will be teaching him the first discussion either Saturday or Sunday. I am super excited, he is a great guy. 

On Saturday we did some help moving for a lady named Karen. After that we went to have interviews with President Miles. President and Sister Miles said that this is the happiest that they have seen me. I have defiantly been happy we have been having so much success lately it has been so great. In the interview President Miles told me that he doesn't want me to burn out on him. He made me promise that I wouldn't. It was pretty funny that he would say that because I feel that I am a long ways from going home. I have a lot of time before I will burn out. After interviews we helped at the food drive I will have to send some pictures of that too. I will do better at sending pictures.  

We had a Baptism! Danica was baptized. Elder Darrow and I gave the talks, I talked on baptism and Elder Darrow talked on the Holy Ghost. I think that I felt the Spirit more at this baptism then what I have ever felt at any other baptism it was amazing. 

We had dinner at the Burnett's home. She is a member and her husband is a non-member but a really good guy. After we ate we found out that he grows his own hot peppers in his backyard. He grows all the super super hot peppers. He is growing Carolina Reapers which we didn't get to try. I did get to try a little bit of a dried Carolina Reaper in Lethbridge and it was hot I can't even imagine trying it not dried, it is the second hottest pepper in the world. He did have the third hottest pepper in the world though which is called the Trinidad Scorpion. He cut a couple of little pieces off of the pepper for Elder Darrow and I. We put it in our mouths and started chewing. Elder Darrow chewed it up and swallowed it. I chewed it up and it felt like my head was going to explode so I spit it out. The heat was so crazy though. Elder Darrow ate half a carton of ice cream, and I had a couple glasses of milk. It was so hot I would get a mouth full of milk and just let it sit in my mouth for maybe 7 seconds and then I had to swallow it and get some more cold milk in my mouth. The heat finally went away after maybe 10 minutes. We have a video of it, I will send it to you when I get a chance. At Church on Sunday Sister Burnett broke down in tears to us and told us how much it means to her that we visit her and her family. She said, "You have no idea the impact that has on us."

When we got home that night we realized that we left our dinner calendars in the truck. Elder Darrow has had a cold and so I told him that I would go out and get them so that we could confirm dinner for that night. So I put on my runners and my hoody and headed to the truck. I decided that I would take the long way to the truck so that I could get a little run in that night. It ended up being about a mile. I got to the truck and got the dinner calendars and headed back. When I was waiting for the elevators to come down a guy came up to me and asked me if I was out on a run and I said, "Yep I was."  He said, "Man you are my motivation, I used to run but I haven't for a long time." I told him that I run everyday and he was pretty blown away. I asked him if he wanted to run Monday morning with us and he said that he would. So we got down stairs and he was there at a little after 6:30 waiting for us. He is from Libia and came over to Canada when he was 18 for school. He is now 28. So for the past couple of mornings we have been running with him. He is pretty out of shape which is too bad because I like to get a good run in but maybe we will have the opportunity of teaching him in the near future. 

On Sunday I had to speak in one of the wards. I still don't like getting up in front of people but I feel that it has for sure gotten a ton easier. I can see a change in myself and I think that it has been a big change. Elder Darrow and I were talking last night. We were talking about a couple of scriptures and trying to figure out some questions that we have had. Elder Darrow said, "I can't even believe that I am talking about the scriptures, back home I didn't even read them." I had to agree with him, it is crazy, back home I thought that the scriptures were definitely true but I didn't have a real desire to read and to study them. Being out here has definitely developed a desire in me to read, study, and ponder them to learn more about the scriptures.

Well this is some of the highlights of what has been going on up here in Canada I hope and pray that you are all doing well. I love you guys and hope that you all have a great week!

Love, Elder Allred

Elder Darrow