This Blog is a summary of the emails and letters sent by Elder Trevor Allred about his mission.

August 1, 2017

This week was pretty interesting, we ended up picking up two new investigators who seem like they could both be pretty solid. One of them is super big into big foot people and says that there are colonies of them all around. He says that he has been researching them for about 25 years. The other one is a Korean guy that we have been doing some service for. On Saturday we were helping him put up some sheet rock in his garage where he is going to build what he calls a man cave. It is where his is going to be doing his coding on the computer for work. He has never in the past thought of joining the church until just now and said that we could teach him more about the gospel, he wants to learn more. His wife is a less-active and they said that they are going to start coming to church. So just a couple miracles from this past week, having 5 new investigators in this transfer has been a miracle in and of its self when we started with zero when I got in, and I know that it wouldn't have been possible without the Lord. 

One Wednesday I got a training call, so on Wednesday we will be picking up my boy and then the next day we will be dropping Elder Bunch off. Then on Friday he will be flying home. My new comp and I are also going to be purging in an area in our zone so we will be covering two wards and getting a truck. I am super excited to be training and having someone who is going to be so motivated to get out and work. I think that it is going to be really good for this area especially where it has caught some fire. 

On Saturday we did the service for the Korean couple and then headed to another service at a house in one of the sister's area. This family I think has been struggling, the house was really messy the sisters were washing dishes and they wanted us to move an old couch that had a bed that would come out of it up the stairs. After some time of trying to get the thing moved up the stairs we soon realized that it wasn't going to be getting up there. I asked them, "What exactly are you wanting to do with this couch?" And they said that it was going to be going to the dump and so I asked them in a kind of a joking way, "Do you care if we take a sledge hammer to this?" And surprisingly they said yes probably because their mom wasn't home. So they went and got us some hammers and some hand saws and we had the couch completely torn apart in a matter of minutes and soon after had it up in the ally. After we got that done they wanted us to move another couch down from the upstairs and so we started off and the hallway going down was super narrow and Elder Bunch and I were getting pretty frustrated because we weren't getting it. But after taking a light fixture off of the ceiling and breaking a couple of coat hooks we got it down. They were all pretty happy that we were able to do it but we had to head off right after to make it in time for dinner. So we got on the bus and headed for our apartment, we got off at the closest bus stop and when we got off we had 14 min. until the bus at our apartment headed for the train so we sprinted for 2 min. to get home. I felt super gross so I took a shower and by the time we got all dressed up in our missionary attire and got out to the bus stop, 8 min. had passed, so we got to wait for 4 min. for the bus to come. I can't believe how quick we were I guess that's what happens when you have to get into these clothes everyday. (Yesterday we found out from the sisters that the mom was super happy that we were able to get the couch down and the other one up, she didn't know if we were going to be able to do it or not. So I guess we did a good job)     

This ward has changed a lot even from just the time that I have come in I think that this is the most missionary minded ward that I have had the opportunity of serving in. I'm loving the mission and can't believe that I am already 13 months out.. Love you all and hope that you all have a fantastic week!

Love, Elder Allred