Homemade Bread! |
Something that I thought was cool was that I saw a plane earlier on when I was here in Canada and it was a huge remote controlled plane that would shoot a mist or cloud out of the wings across the field. I didn't know what it was until I looked in the paper and found that it was how they fertilized their fields here. Its was pretty cool because he would be flying right by the cars and power lines and pull up the last second. This week was slow teaching investigators because of school starting up. Next week will be a whole lot better. This week contained mostly a ton of service. It was still fun. Things are starting to cool off here. The coldest it has gotten during the day is 10 degrees Celsius. I wish it would stay this temp. the whole time, it is perfect. Well I hope everything is still going good. Have a good week! Love Elder Allred.
I have been reading in the Book of Mormon lately you know and right now I am in Alma 50. When I started reading the Book of Mormon I decided that I was going to mark every time that it says faith in there. You would really be surprised at how many times it is mentioned, because I know that I was. I have also started in the back of my triple combination, studying different topics like faith and the atonement, marriage, and so many more that is going to and already has helped me. I have gotten so much smarter in the scriptures it's blowing my mind. I had no idea just how simple and not complicated at all that they were. I hate reading out of the Bible, I mean that there are some good stories and lessons in there its just that they are so much more confusing. Especially the Old Testament. I really like what you said that the Savior helps us get through difficult times, I know that to be true as well. I can feel him helping me all the time, all that I have to do is turn to him and try to become more like him. I told Kiara that I weigh 185.2 pounds now but I am hoping that it is just muscle because I am working out hard every morning and night but especially at night. The temperature is staying around 10- 15ish degrees celsius and I still haven't gotten a coat so I am going to have to find time to do that. I have gotten a letter from Jath and 3 just barely and also one from the Bennets, it sure is exciting when you get something like that. You will have to tell them thanks for me. Well hope everything is going well keep working hard, and thanks for everything. Love you all- Elder Allred.
Thanks for that. I miss being able to ride horses. I wish that I could do that out here in Canada. There are quite a few horses and cows out here. But mostly just fields and fields of grain and canola. There are several Hutterite people here where I am at and Elder Davis and I plan on trying to go to their colony and buy some of their fresh food. They are a strange breed haha. I see them at Walmart everytime that I go shopping, they look like a bunch of pioneers. Mom would love to see them I just know that she would. It is a little awkward when a ton of pioneer people are driving a new truck to Walmart, it just doesn't seem right. I get the opportunity this week to go to the temple as well as costco with some of our members who we did service with. I might be going to Bamf too pretty soon which would totally be cool because all that there is here are rolling hills like you said, no mountains. I miss seeing the mountains. Well hope your having a good time at work and everything. Love you guys too.-Elder Allred.
That is so cool that you got to take a nonmember to church. How did that go? It is always so exciting when we get one of our nonmembers to church.
Love, Your Baller, Elder Allred