This Blog is a summary of the emails and letters sent by Elder Trevor Allred about his mission.

July 25, 2016

Canada is pretty hot right now, I thought that it would be cool, but no it's like 80 degrees. And you would think that it is pretty close to the United states which in a way it is but there are so many differences. When I first got here I met the Mission President at the airport. They call bathrooms washrooms, it is so weird, but I met my mission prez and his wife and went to the mission home with all of the missionaries and stayed the night there. The next day I got my real first new companion, Elder Davis. He is from Arizona and he is pretty awesome. He has been telling me all about the mission and how the missionaries have families it is so funny. So since Elder Davis is training me he is considered to be my dad and his trainer would be his dad which would make him my grandpa, and all of the people that I guess that my grandpa trained would be my uncles and the other people that my trainer trained would be my brothers. And it kinda works out the same way with the sisters its pretty dang funny. I have been assigned to be the driver which I think is pretty cool, it is helping me be able to know the area better. We get fed so much by the members and it is pretty good for the most part, until I was served a mushroom salad, I don't like mushrooms at all but I had to eat them.. People here are pretty nice for the most part. Knocking doors has been pretty exciting. There was one guy that had on his door, "no soliciting of any kind." So we figured we aren't selling anything so we will see if he is home. So it was my turn to knock and so I did and he came and answered and said, "did you read my door" and I said,"Yes we did" and then he got really mad saying that we were trying to sell him something it was pretty dang funny. I was thinking that I could also get away without having to give a talk for a while but nope, I had to give one my first Sunday, but it wasn't as bad as I thought that it would be. But other than that everything has been going pretty good.

Elder Davis has been out about 6 months and is pretty awesome. We play ball and run and lift weights every morning. He is from Arizona, he really likes to skateboard, and the flight was nice I just sent you a ton of pics it was a bit delayed but good. Door approaches are funny not as successful as the street stops though. I got to give away my first book of mormon to a Greek Orthodox and she said she would read it cover to cover and might take some discussions if her catholic husband will let her. She also might pop into church to see how it is. I am in a ward and a branch part of a rez and strathmore. I met this lady that had been taking discussions but stopped about two years ago. We taught her the first discussion and towards the end she kept reminding me of Grandma Jonna and I didn't really know what to do so at the end of the lesson that went very well I said, "You sure do remind me of my grandma that came from Denmark." (she is around 70) And then she said, "Oh my dad came from Denmark." She really opened up more to me it was so cool! It really is amazing just the little things that happen that you wouldn't think was the spirit but is. I love my mission so far so many funny experiences it's awesome! Love you all.

Elder Davis

Russian Olive Tree planted in someone's yard!

July 24, 2016 Strathmore, Elder Davis

Text received from a member, "Your fine son was here for Sunday dinner.  He still loves  Have a great evening.  His P Day is tomorrow."

July 19, 2016 Arrival in Calgary, Canada!

Look who we have in Calgary!!

President and Sister Miles

Our new missionaries!!!

July 18, 2016

I will be calling on Tuesday between 8:30-10:00 before my flight to Canada. Everything is going good but I sure am excited to be leaving and getting a new companion, one of mine is kinda getting on my nerves. He's a good guy it's just hard to do stuff with him. Im pretty much over my cold now which is good, just a stuffy nose now. I'm going to go play basketball in a few minutes and I'll try and get a picture of me kissing the backboard. I've been working on my vertical and I'm jumping pretty dang high now! It was pretty cool we had a devotional last night and we were watching a thing on Elder Bednar about the character of Christ. And you wouldn't have guessed who came right after it ended. But I have to go so I'll talk to you hopefully between the time that I told you. Love you guys.
Love Elder Allred.
Elder Austin Ross

July 13, 2016

​I had a missionary get some stuff sent to him from the Red Barn and he let me have some, it was so good! And the other pictures are just some of my friends from school. There are a ton more that I am going to get pictures with before I leave for Canada.  The thing that I look forward to most is teaching the investigators here, not all of them are LDS and it is really cool when you get to teach one that is a non-member. I am having a good time it's just that I caught a cold. I hope that I can get over it fast. I would sure like you to send me some cinnamon rolls. I got to go to the temple today and do endowments in the temple, it was a pretty neat experience, a little different than the Vernal Temple for sure. Love you lots too, Elder Allred

Elder Kaiden Reary

Elder Tallon Price

Elder Karter Rook

July 6, 2016

Thanks for the picture and you can send me food and cake please do!! The food out here is not the best ever, although it is good, moms food is better though. I have gained 4 pounds in the first 5 days and so I am really going to keep working out and not having ice cream for every meal, I'm done eating ice cream and desserts!! Gotta stay in shape so Travis can't beat me up when I get home haha, I am so sick of sweets it would be nice to have some home made bread or something good like that. 

We did get to see fireworks it was awesome and I have had some great experiences I will have to tell you about next week because of time, but it would blow your mind what has happened here. And tell grandpa thanks for that talk that he had me put in my folder it has helped a ton! It has a great definition of the priesthood that I read to a real investigator. 

We have been teaching real investigators which has been awesome I love teaching people! And yes basketball has been lots of fun with the other elders the one problem though is that they are redoing the floor so I won't be able to play for like a week. So I guess I will have to lift weights which is good too. 

Yeah it was one of my companions we are in a trio, I thought that it wouldn't have been so good but it actually is pretty dang cool.  And yeah I just found out that we were supposed to have sheets nobody put sheets in our room for us when we got there so me and my companions have been sleeping on the pee blanket and using a thin blanket on top. 

July 1, 2016

Just letting you know that everything is going well I finally got to play basketball today! It was so much fun, but they don't let you dunk it. I haven't gotten homesick so far which I think is weird. I am having a good time it is very spiritual, it reminds me a lot of EFY. Sorry I can't look at the emails you have all sent me but I will on my P day. My P day is Wednesday so I will get back to you then. Hope you all are having a great time. 
Love, Elder Allred